Saturday, December 22, 2007
The Light At The End of the Tunnel...
So, Mr. Ex and I are back together...and better than ever. I dont even know if blogged about us getting back together. Hmph.. Well.. we did. He fucked up and admitted it. I admitted my stuff, too. (I mean I wish I was innocent but two way streets..yada yada). Okay, well... lately, the issue isnt one of unhappiness, but more just timing. and waiting.
For all those interested, Mr. Ex and I have a long distance relationship. It works out. I mean.. we're in a comfortable place, we trust each other, and we accumulate airline miles. That said, to have a long distance relationship that works, doesnt there have to be a light at the end of the tunnel so to speak? I mean.. why would one get INTO a long distance relationship unless the goal was to not always be long distance, right?
Well, that's what I think at least.
Mr. Ex is finishing his education- grad school- this year in the long distance location. I almost moved there when he did, but ended up getting a great job here that was impossible to leave. He was bummed when I found out I wouldnt be moving there with him. Afterall, his program is only a year. I was flattered that he was bummed.
However, somewhere, sometime, I feel like something changed. Why? Well, b/c of this conversation.. (keep in mind I picked and chose the parts I wanted to include)
Me: I wish I didnt have to sign my lease for another YEAR from now. Ugh.
Him: Why? I'll be there at least another year, right?
Me: *perplexed* Um.. well.....*stammering* Yeah, I dont know..
Him: What?
Me: Well, I dunno.. When you're done, do you not want to try to live in the same least by this time next year maybe?
*conversation....ending with..
Him: I dont know if I'm ready for that.
READY FOR WHAT?! Um.. dumbass, you have a great, cute, smart, fabulous girlfriend who you fought relentlessly for to get back....only to be freaked out about living in the same city?!
Moral is.. Now, I'm confused.. but in love, too. Confused and in love sucks. balls. as a combo.
We're very much in love....and it's not b/c I'm in denial.. haha... Seriously... But, just b/c he's freaked a little about futuristic things, I know I should give him some time. B/c I love him. However, how long is too long?
Long distance love is actually working....but the question is...what way will the airline miles cease? Moving to the same place or something I'd rather not think about....
Brainy Blonde, overanalytical as usual. You know you missed me.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
stupid boys and strong women.
Specifically the kind of Strong Women who aren’t strong enough to let go, get on and see what they’re really worth.
Me? I’d like to think I’m a strong woman. I’d be lying if I told you I’d never stayed in a relationship for too long, we’ve all done that. What’s important is that I’m okay by myself. I’m worth it. And that I realize it.
But this isn’t about me.
No, it’s about the girls who get trapped in relationships. Who are being drowned by them, and who could breathe freely if only they’d break from what’s entangling them and swim to the surface. That path up to the top can be scary and lonely and filled with doubt and not knowing, but once you breathe that fresh air…the realization of what you’ve given up and the chances you’ve offered yourself is amazing.
There is a whole world out they’re, and they’re missing it.
I’ve been thinking about this even before I heard the song. My roommate is in the midst of a divorce, and it seems like every week she is better and better. Better because she took that weight off her shoulders.
And another friend of mine is getting married in a few months to a man that I think she shoulda left a long time ago. He doesn’t treat her right, but I can’t say anything because my ex boyfriend is the best man. I talked to her about it once, and she actually said to me “Foxy, I’m scared to stay, but I know I’m not strong enough to leave him.”
Actually. Said. This.
And this list? It goes on. and on. and on.
I don’t know what to do. I’m no expert, but it’s so easy to be oblivious when you’re in the thick of it, and not see things for what they are. I once described myself in one of my past relationships as looking with blind eyes.
And I think a lot of people do that.
So what do you do?
What do you do?
How do you tell a girl to love herself? How do you explain that the man she likes/loves/lusts is not worthy of her? That he drinks too much? That he works too much? That he doesn’t respect her? That he doesn’t support her? That he is holding her back? That he doesn’t deserve her?
And how, praytell, do you make it clear to guys that they can’t treat women like this?
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
meeting the parents
and then on sunday? I meet the entire rest of his family.
people keep asking me if I'm nervous. the answer is yes and no.
I'm not nervous because...
~he's the one who would be the strong-handshake spanish-inquisition guy, and I'm with him.
~i'm an engineer and so are all of his siblings and his dad, so i've got an in.
~i'm funny and nice and polite and it's not like i'm not *good enough* for him, y'know?
but I'm a little nervous too.
mostly about, well...what to wear.
I'm already certain I'm wearing a skirt to dinner tomorrow night. It's the thing to do. Even if we eat at Mickey D's.
and I know what things to bring when I fly to Philly for the family vacay.
but still? nervous about the clothes.
i am SUCH a girl.
also, opinion needed.
so, you know how you're supposed to bring gifts to the hostess when you stay at someone's house? well, I'm bringing them wine and beer from my home state (his mom drinks wine, his dad drinks beer.) that and a pet tornado, just for giggles.
thing is, I don't want to bring 'em on the plane if I can avoid it. think I could just give it to 'em at dinner tomorrow?
wish me luck at dinner. hopefully my hair lady is right--I'm like a strawberry daiquiri and people should just drink me up. we'll see...
Monday, June 18, 2007
"seriously, do we have to teach a class or something?"
so, it's been awhile since the last post. work has been sucking away my will to live. and eat. and type out blog posts. it's enough to keep up with one...and now I find myself posting on what, five? oopsie.
anyhoodle, so, last saturday I got my hair cut. and I mean like whacked, chopped off, etc. like, oh 9-10 inches-ish? I'm donating it, sorta, but that's a long story. here's the important part: anyone with a penis seems to have a high propensity for being an idiot when a girl cuts off her hair.
some of 'em? spot on. saying exactly what they should.
"sweet haircut."
"I see you got your hair cut."
"hey, I just noticed--you cut your hair! when did you do that?"
"you got your hair cut--do you like it?"
all of these are good. some of 'em even allow you to not actually weigh in on your like/dislike of the cut.
others? not so much. I so desperately want to scream at people who say things like
"wow. that's drastic!"
"why'd you do that?"
the strangest part of all though was that someone, one of my boyfriend's friends (yes, I said boyfriend!), wanted mad props for noticing. I mean, sure, I don't see him all the time. And some of his friends didn't even realize it. But I'm like, "what, you want a cookie?!?"
apparently, he does. do they make it in shut-the-hell-up flavor? maybe I should invent a recipe for that. ;)
Friday, June 8, 2007
where does the past fit in the present?
so since the breakup (and even when we first started dating) I've been trying to be careful about which guys I introduce my friends to. especially my smugmarried friends.
recently-ish I've been introducing science/soccer to my friends. we already had some mutual ones, which is how we met, but after we hit the month mark I let the smugmarrieds meet him.
they, like every other one of my friends, like him. and as is the norm (thank goodness!) everyone seems to think he's definitely an improvement over the last guy.
but what's hard is this...
sometimes I miss FreakishlyTall. I don't want to be with him. I don't miss his kisses or the way he would sit on my offwhite chair when he came back from the gym all sweaty, or the way he let his mother strangle him with those apron strings. But sometimes? sometimes I just miss him. Like when it's friday afternoon and I want a beer and I think about how we had forties pretty much every friday we were together. Or the kick-ass parties we threw. Or when we went to Nascar. Things that happened. That even if HE was bad at 'em (and good lord knows he was) the memories overall? not too shabby...
I like to say he's a good guy but a bad boyfriend. And we were friends first, and that's significant.He's funny and a good drinking buddy and I know that if I'm ever ever in trouble I can call him and he'll come help. but I can't and won't be friends with him again, because my head knows it's wrong, and that's hard.
but the hardest part of all?
my friends miss him too. and though they all picked me, because I was friends with them first, some of them really really miss him. and I can't bring him back. and if I could I wouldn't want to. one of the couples and I talked about it the other day--I explained that I miss him, but I don't miss the part of him that treated me like that. "No one misses that part of FreakishlyTall, Foxy. Nobody."
I hate it that it seems to kind of taint Science/Soccer. I don't compare him to FreakishlyTall, but my friends can't help it--they were so overwhelmed with how good he was compared to LameExHusband that FreakishlyTall has set the bar.
what's a girl to do?
enjoy her friday of mexican food, beer and bowling, that's what! ScienceSoccer and I are going to kick MA&M's butt. :)
Monday, June 4, 2007, two, three.
I, for instance, walk so that I can see if the guy is going to make the effort of opening the door for me. And see which doors. Sometimes I even walk a step faster to see if he tries to beat me to it.
A little farther on in a relationship I'll sometimes offer to pay a little earlier that I'd prefer, just to see if he takes me up on it--and how he accepts/deflects. It's just to learn more about him, it's not a deal-breaker. and I wouldn't offer to pay if I didn't have the cash.
I also usually tell a guy about my one of my friend's relationship issues de jour--not disclosing my opinion or anything too personal--to see how he thinks.
just little tests. nothing huge.
but I actually didn't start the test convo--he did. he told me about how sometimes on a first date he'll take the girl somewhere and suggest that they eat ribs for dinner because they're soooo messy, and there's no way to be all prim and proper and tidy when you're eating ribs. it's to see how she deals, and see if she's easy going.
he also informed me that opening the door, a la a bronx tale, (you pull up right where she lives, right? Before you get outta the car, you lock both doors. Then, get outta the car, you walk over to her. You bring her over to the car. Dig out the key, put it in the lock and open the door for her. Then you let her get in. Then you close the door. Then you walk around the back of the car and look through the rear window. If she doesn't reach over and lift up that button so that you can get in: dump her...that means she's a selfish broad and all you're seeing is the tip of the iceberg. You dump her and you dump her fast) isn't a test with him. I explained to him that I've done that since I started dating, and that once I saw that movie I knew I prolly couldn't ever stop.
I know I always make a point of making a bad pun if the opportunity presents itself, to see if our senses of humor mesh. and I'm sure there are others that I can't think of right now.
but the eating ribs thing? totally new concept to me. and it makes me curious--what tests do you give? or do your friends give? or have you been put through?
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
the sex card
he wasn't talking about us. he was talking about his past.
as a woman, my first blush response was to be bothered that he'd say something like that. I mean, until I realized he was right.
and I kinda think it's funny. as much as we women complain about stereotypes, we impose them on men CONSTANTLY. and it's not that they aren't true, no no, but it's a skosh hypocritical, dontcha think?
and furthermore, that's not even the point. point is there's more to a lady than the space between her legs. I mean, am I right? because upon finding out, in the odd circumstance, that you're ready to get busy and he isn't, for the love of pete don't think you're suddenly all worthless or whatever.
the sex card isn't power. sex should never be about power. withholding it isn't a fair way to fight, and it's wrong to use it to prove a point. it's far more special than a bargaining tool. and you boys out there should remember this too.
also, a suggestion. don't google-image-search for "sex card" at work. this might seem like a no-brainer, but just incase...
Monday, May 28, 2007
“Keep Breaking Your Heart Till it Opens Up.”
First though, I apologize for my absence. After traveling down to San Diego for a month of filming, I have returned to Los Angeles, I am in between films and have time to sit down and gab about the adventures in singledom I have experienced.
My English teachers always told me a good way to make a point is to give three examples. Here are my three.
Last I left you, I had gone out with Mr. Fourth date. Well, Mr. 4th date turned into a jerk and stopped returning phone calls because I wouldn’t sleep with him. If that was his only intention, then I am glad not to talk to him. I’m frustrated with myself because usually I can read character pretty well, and I completely misread this guy. Thinking his intentions were much more pure, I emotionally let him in too quickly. But he was kinda short, so I’m better off anyway.
Then, traveling to San Diego, I was excited at the prospect of an on set crush. You always get them, and it usually is on a “best available” basis. In the real world, the guy may be a 6, but on the set, and in comparison to the other guys, he’s a 9. So I met mine. I labeled “The Steed” (seeing as I would like to ride that) showed up to work. Tall, dark and handsome, I made sure I wore mascara to work. There was a spark. People were whispering about us. But it turned out to be just a simple case on an on set crush, and after we wrapped nothing came of our flirtations. My hopes were up, but I’m not crying over this one.
And finally, returning to LA, I met and connected to a young, hot, artist, whom I met through mutual friends. Hanging out, going on adventures in Chinatown, whispering at parties, elbow touches, drink buying - all of the usual dance moves in the flirtation cha-cha. Oh yeah, and he was incredible hot.
And I wish I had an amazing ending to this story, but two nights ago, I was once again disappointed in the dumbness and lameness of boys. After yet another great night out on the town, Mr. Hot Artist turned into Mr. Obnoxious Drunk and ended up ditching me and leaving with some American Apparel model wannabe. Honestly, I think I’m more disappointed in his total lack of taste in girls, than in the fact he doesn’t like me that way. She was tre’ annoying.
Sucks, I know.
In conclusion, those are three examples of how my heart has been broken in these past weeks. But I am confident that all this disappointment and heartache will only make it more awesome when I finally find someone who does indeed love me. And until that day comes…
- the single one
Thursday, May 24, 2007
half-in-the-bag confessions of a boy.
I personally like to think that as long as the person isn't hammered (and instead is just feelin' good), then you can probably take a lot of what they're saying as the truth. their filter is turned off/on a lower setting, and they're just saying what they think instead of wondering "how will she take this" or "what will it seem like I mean if I say this?"
it's different than drunken confessions of love, it's more like taking the saying " in vino veritas" pretty literally.
and gotta say? i kinda love it.
it's when boys tend to tell you exactly why they dig you.
and what's on their mind.
and how they feel.
and when they think of you.
and what you mean to them.
oh, it's not like they're all blatant and direct about it, mercy me no. but they say things, things that reveal so much about what's going on in their head. and trust me, I'm not overanalyzing. it's hard to overanalyze something that so simple to understand.
and i like it.
i'd give you specific examples, 'cept I kind of want to keep 'em to myself...
so go get your beverage of choice, have enough to make you a skosh inebriated and call the one you like/love/lust. chances are you'll say just enough to make that person on the other end of the line all sappy-smiley without compromising yourself.
and if you have too much and go too far? you can blame it on the alcohol. :)
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
unsportsman-like conduct

'cause I want to SCREAM at the people!
"penalty kick!"
"personal foul!"
maybe for halloween, yeah, that's the ticket. I'll dress up as a cute little referee and give people red and yellow flags, eject them from games, the whole nine yards.
~the guy who boxes in the gal (nobody puts baby in a corner!) and keeps her from having an escape route, which only serves to intensify his creep factor.
~the girl whose shirt is too low, whose pants are too low, whose shirt is too short, or all three! and chick-a-dees, very few of y'all can rock the bra-less look. wear a bra, okay? it's a wee bit uncomfy, perhaps, but really? your small amount of discomfort is waaaaaaaay less than the discomfort of those around you. and let's not mention the teasing.
~acting like you're better than everyone else. seriously, people DO this. like, in BARS. trust me, if you're at a bar with me, we're prolly both there for at least some of the same reasons, including the alcohol. go with it. don't think you're cooler 'cause your purse says prada or your eyelashes are fake. seriously.
so, what's the penalty, mmmm?
can we put them in time out?
give them three strikes?
or maybe even eject them from the game?
and why, oh why, do people not get it? it's not like it's hard to follow the rules. buy the lady a drink. open the door. girls, don't accept the drink unless you actually want to talk to the guy for a minute or two. and for heavens sake, wear clothes that flatter, not ones that leave little to the imagination. yeesh!
(still thinking about that referee idea....)
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
weighty matters...
but for reals? I would like each of you to get out a mirror. Or stand in front of one. Or whatever. Look at it. Look at yourself.
Now repeat after me: "I am too hard on myself."
because that's what I'm finding EVERYWHERE. seriously. this applies to lots and lots of people.
Off the top of my head I can think of...(carry the one) least four close friends of mine who are really really unhappy with their bodies. They work out like mad or lament the number listed on that little tag at the back of their pants.
and if you really ARE overweight or really COULD lose a few? not so unreasonable. but most of them need to a) come over to my place, b) eat a cheeseburger and a cookout shake (chocolate cherry is my favorite) and c) relax.
being healthy? that's important.
wanting to look good? totally normal.
striving for success? bully for you!
stressing all the time about your appearance? not so much.
seriously, people. I'm no expert, but I know this: lots of people who think they need to lose weight or who obsess over every teensy fold of skin need to calm the eff down. let it go, just a little. if you like who you are, then you should like how you look. (but, on the other hand, if you're really THAT bad off, then quit complaining and do something about if for crying out loud).
I'm annoyed by this right now because one of my good friends in particular, who is soooooo not fat, thinks she is. She works out like a mad woman. And she thinks that if she gets skinny then boys with flock to her. Thing is?
if she's working out five days a week for hours each day, when's she got time for boys? and, if she deflects every single compliment by saying it's wrong (as opposed to only deflecting some or to saying you're too kind or something) what boy is going to want to put up with that?
of course, this is all coming from me. and if, for instance, someone shaped like me (fauxfoxy) came up to me (realfoxy) and said "I think I'm overweight" I might laugh until I cried. So I don't get to throw stones here 'cause I kind of can't relate to all the concerns that people have. (well, except when my body weight increased by 22% after college, but even then I went from scaryskinny to normal, so there's no room for me to complain about my bigger pants, even though I went through a phase where I was annoyed by them...but moving on.)
but what I do know is that it's the people who love themselves that others tend to love too.
so go get that mirror out again. and smile at it. and blow yourself a kiss. and think about why you're wonderful, and what makes you you. and if you're out there looking for love/like/lust, realize that you aren't going to get any of those if you don't become comfy with who and what you are, or change it until you ARE comfy.
and while you're working on that, maybe sneak in an oreo, too. :)
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
officially unofficial and mixed mix messages.
Remember how I got all upset 'cause people thought it was weird that we weren't having sex? Well, apparently it's normal for him. And it's sure as heck normal for me. Waiting for a while is normal. Sometimes drunk friends spill the beans, and it's even better when you don't even bring up said beans, someone just volunteers the info.
interesting, indeed.
Next up, we're officially unofficial. Which also might seem a little nutso to you, but is soooo okay with me. It went a little like this:
Mr. Science/Soccer Hottie's friend (this feller needs a better nickname. little help, brainy? or anyone?) was drunk and blabbing, and called me his girlfriend. Twice. I was informed by one of the guys there (who is the fiance of my best friend) that these are the rules:
a. if "girlfriend" is used once by a guy's friend, let it go. unless it's used once by multiple friends.
b. if "girlfriend" is used more than once by a guy's friend, you can ask about it later. it's best if you do so jokingly.
c. if the guy ever uses the term "girlfriend" towards you in front of you, and you haven't made it official yet, you're allowed to stop the convo right then and there, and tease.
So, I got to go with B. There was side poking when I asked, and then a nice deflection "yeah, that wasn't lost on me." Later I came right out and told him--"I don't need to be your girlfriend right now, but I do need to know that you aren't seeing anyone else. Because I'm not. And I'm really starting to dig you." He isn't. It's not his style. :)
I had to tell quite a few more people we weren't "official"--because they asked me. Our mutual friend, the girl on the bench at the soccer game, one of his teammates, his friends at the party. Seriously, it was crazy. Those people talk A LOT. But it means I learn a lot, 'cause I just let the durnk guys babble!
so, Mr. Science/Soccer gives me little gifts. Like the pun popsicle sticks. Or these cute little tissue paper flowers that he made one day at school (and yes, he really made 'em. he's in middle school. quit teasing, I think it's adorable.). see?

now, let me take a break here and tell you that I love love love mix cds. they're kind of my personal hero. a great way to introduce people to bands and all. love 'em. but I'm not a fan of ones with "messages" hidden in 'em.
not that I haven't made that kind, but it's been for big occasions, like an anniversary, and I've worked the song titles into a poem or something cute like that. but no, usually, it's just sharing good tunes with good people.
a lot of girls don't think that way. which makes me shudder a little.
really, I'm hoping that he gets it. I didn't clarify except to say "these are some songs I really like." It seems that the lack of messages would be self-evident--there are some called "i think i love you," or that sing about making love to a beautiful girl, and feeling like the world's not so bad anymore, but then others are about killing your lover, or what happens the days before you die, or one called "catch my disease."
so, I can assume that at best he'll think the messages are mixed? (mmmm I heart puns)
seriously though, I don't have to clarify, right? it's too late to do so now, anyway, I'll look like I've been obsessing. but really, do 27-year-old guys automatically think that everything has a message?
[crosses her fingers for a no.]
Friday, May 11, 2007
"Affected with intense romantic attraction. "
and good ol' urban dictionary has pretty much the same thing to say.
also, right now I am totally guilty of being "smitten." but I'm digressing, and that's another story for another day.
so, if you would, picture this in your head...
it's a chilly day, maybe slighty windy. the type of day where any venturing outside should be followed immediately by some hot chocolate. it isn't freezing, but it's cold.
you're going on date, oh, let's say five or six with someone new, and you and your honey decide to go for a little early evening pre-dinner stroll. you're walking hand in hand, 'cause your big coats are getting in the way of any arm-around-each-other action.
you think about how this is fun, how you're really starting to like this person. she's pretty awesome, he thinks.
she whips out a pair of these:

now, really? this idea is half brilliant, half insane. I think it needs to come with a disclaimer: for very serious couples only. Guys, can you imagine how you'd feel if the girl brought out a set of smittens all of the sudden? Worse still would be if the guy had them, I've gotta admit.
It's like if you found out the girl already had towels monogrammed with they guy's last initial, or had a tattoo with the guy's name already drawn out. Or maybe it's more like finding that piece of paper where she's practiced signing his last name...but in any case?
clever, but yikes.
soooo, go get a pair for your engaged or married friends. they'll think it's cute. but don't get a pair for yourself if you're a smart and single...or you'd better limit your dating to the warm months.
the nice guy.
it's the guy who's your friend. maybe you hang out together. maybe you flirt a little. maybe you talk about your relationship issues.
but when you boil it down, more often than not, one of you is interested and one of you isn't.
and it sucks.
me? I have a nice guy friend. He's funny and so so kind, and he's a gentleman, too. But he's not cute, and he's not someone I'd want to date. I'm not interested in him. However, it's quite clear to me that he is interested in me.
now, to clarify, I'm not all "woe is me." quite the opposite. I think "poor guy."
and I feel kind of guilty. We play on a softball team together. We go to the batting cages. He helps me fix my audio/visual equipment. And he buys me sushi for dinner. And brings me my favorite icecream.
he actually refuses to let me pay, too. i've paid for my own meal in his presence twice--once because there were three of us (Mr. TDaH joined us) and once because I went and got to-go sushi while he fixed my TV.
thing is, I *know* he likes me, or at least thinks I'm terribly cute and impressive and amazing, because he SHOWERS me with compliments. I mean, he TELLS me these things. Like all the time. And I tell him he's a nice guy. And that some day some girl will be lucky to catch him, and I mean it--but that girl? She ain't nevah gonna be me.
am I doing anything wrong? he knows I'm dating someone, he knows I really like the guy, and he knows that he and I aren't dating.
and a few hours ago he sent me an email asking if we could hang this weekend. yeesh.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
yo, pep, I don't think they're gonna play this on the radio and why not? everybody has sex I mean, everybody should be makin' love...
okay, I've had it. HAD IT. I'm tired of hearing it. This isn't WEIRD. It's OKAY. You people should go live in the buckle o' the bible belt for twenty-some-odd years. you'll understand. but seriously. I'm annoyed. And I'm not feeling shy today.
I've been without a steady guy for, oh, about seven months now. It's been about a month longer than that since I've "gotten any." And I mean actual sex here. I differentiate. Some people don't, but I do. (and suddenly I'm thinking "it ain't immoral if it's oral.") But anyway.
so, here's the annoyance:
I don't talk about my sex life very much. I talk about dating, but intimate things are intimate, people, and I generally prefer not to share 'em, even in a semi-anonymous venue such as this. however.
why is it that people think it's so dadgum weird that I've not:
1) had sex with anyone who wasn't my significant other at the time
2) had sex with someone random and
3) had sex with the guy that I've been seeing for two months
I mean seriously.
NOW, if we hadn't kissed (or groped or made out like horny teenagers or the like), I'd let you throw all the stones you wanted. That would totally be a little weird, and I would see why you'd think so. Some people might find that okay, but not me, and probably not your average mid-twenty folk.
But why, I ask, WHY are we so focused on sex?
I mean, it's not like I haven't had plenty of chances, here. Rat-Boy wanted to, Mr. Hot-Stuff-Gonna-Do-Me-a-Favor-by-Wearing-a-Condom wanted to, Mr. Drink-Stealer-Who-Redeemed-Himself wanted to, and I even had someone completely mean it when they responded "you." when asked "what do you want to do to celebrate your birthday tomorrow?"
I was told that I could probably go up to any two guys and say "wanna f*ck?" and one of them would say yes in a heartbeat. I've had people try to convince me. They've tried to cajole and wheedle the pant(ie)s off me.
and for choosing not to I was questioned and insulted. seriously, what's so wrong with not having sex? or at least waiting a while to have it?
It's a part of a relationship, yes. and bad sex is no bueno, I agree (believe me, I know, I've had it). And I think for the most part it's silly not to milk the cow before you buy it, but I respect people's decisions because it's THEIR body. Also, it is totally okay to not have a revolving door on your bed, and it is completely fine to get to know a person in the mental and emotional sense before you get to know them in the biblical sense.
I don't think there's an amount of time that needs to pass, but if you don't want to you don't want to...and no one can make you want to.
besides, sex has drawbacks...the risk of disease, the possibility of creating a false sense of intimacy and connection, and the fear of pregnancy, to name a few. there is nothing wrong with waiting a while. not a damn thing in the world. sex has lots of positives too, but seriously, there's not a damn thing wrong with waiting to have it.
and if you think otherwise?
you're not the type of person I'd want to date, anyway.
Usage Note: The adjective conflicted is most often associated with the jargon of pop psychology.
"Jargon" of pop psychology, huh? Well.. yeah.. I think jargon works b/c that's what it seems my wee little blonde head is filled with lately....Fair warning: This blog talks itself in circles....
To stay or to go? To try or to not? To take the leap or to remain in place? To risk or to not? Yeah, this blog IS about dating.. but also about the life of a 20something smart, single girl. I think we all go through changes..and they seem to rush in all at once.. then cease for often months at a time.. then wham.. changes again.. I don't mind change.. it's not that.. and I'm truly not "bothered" as I type away on my laptop in front of my french doors. I'm more just reflective and pondering.. :)
I feel as though this whole mid-twenties thing has brought so much clarity to what I want from life, from a boyfriend, from my friends, from myself, from a future spouse... But, in the same respect, do you ever feel as though you're reaching....reaching toward a horizon of what you KNOW is there....but you just cant quite see it or touch it with your fingertips? Yeah.. I think that's MY mid-twenties. Officially. I'm so very comfortable in my own skin and have learned what it means to love deeply, live fully, smile from within and challenge every facet of my being.. I love that..
But.. there's so much I feel as though I'm on the cusp of..if that makes sense.. Maybe it's b/c I'm looking for a new job, maybe it's b/c I've been questioning some things..I dunno.. A great deal of my married friends say they're jealous.. b/c I "could do anything" since I dont really have anyone depending on me so to speak. I mean.. I dont have to get anyone's consent if I want to move to freaking Antarctica.. or just go have a beer on a Wednesday night. But, all in all, while I'm so very happy with that.. I have NO idea what to do with it. I COULD do anything at a moment's notice.. I COULD move to wherever.. I COULD do any of those things. Then, why the hell is it so hard to just make a damn decision and do it at this age?! Sheez! Plus, while I love the freedom to do whatever, whenever... I think we all have those moments when it would be really super great to have someone to ask whether it's okay to move to "Antarctica" or not... or...just maybe whether they'll come with ya so at least it's not so scary, right?
*sigh* As soon as my brain files away the thoughts in my head in a more organized fashion, I shall blog again! :) Until then, my smart and singles, please sip your wine over Heroes (or whatever other show you watch tonight) in your favorite girly sleepwear.. or even in the buff.. and relish in our utter confusing, conflicted, perplexing, yet awesomely beautiful.. singledom.
Monday, May 7, 2007
a lesson: how to make a girl spend ten minutes searching for you...because she really wants to...
step two: have to go to the bathroom. or the other half of the bar. somewhere. the location doesn't matter so long as you are turning a corner or going in a door or something. you need to be able to (temporarily) disappear.
step three: begin your walk to wherever it is that you're going. on your way, notice the girl standing at the corner of the bar, two drinks in her hand, presumably waiting for someone.
step four: hope it's another girl.
step five: as you pass her, even though she's not checking you out, grab her upper arm gently with both of your hands.
step six: look her in the eyes and slooowly say the following four words, placing emphasis one the third one, and say it like you mean it with utmost sincerity: "you are soooo cute."
step seven: walk away. be confident that the girl is blushing and/or smiling.
in my case? both.
as soon as my friend got back from the restroom (couldn't very well leave our drinks there and I didn't want to follow like a puppy) we spent the next ten minutes looking for--get this--a white guy with dark-ish possibly curly and sorta short hair, who might've been a little tan, might've had a goatee and was definitely wearing a dark shirt that may or may not have had short sleeves.
we were At. A. Bar. there were A LOT of guys that fit that description. a LOT. surprised? didn't think so.
but nonetheless, we looked. just so I could point him out.
the best parts?
1. there was no "what's your name?" after the compliment. it was just freely given.
2. the guy in the sombrero who I took a picture with.
if I'd found him and wanted to talk to him, woulda bought him a drink. pity for him I'm only seeing one person right now (okay, well not officially, but in my head I'm sure that's what we're both doing--otherwise the other girl is getting ZERO attention 'cause we've already got plans for Tuesday, Friday and Saturday, but I digress), but if I hadn't been...mighta had to track him down for reals.
I mean, who walks up and just informs a girl that they're really cute, I ask? betcha if you do it right, that kind of a trick could work every time. It sure as heck got my attention because he sounded so genuine--like he couldn't help but make sure I knew!
sidenote of badness: we might have found him. not sure. only got a profile, not a straight on view. but if it was him--under no circumstances should you rock three days of stubble at a bar on a saturday night. if you're trying to grow a beard, start on a sunday, k?
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
where's the fire?
yes, I am talking to myself. on a blog. and using my pseudonym. and I'm okay with that.
so. this guy? the one I've been telling you about?
it's clear he digs me. like, crystal. he calls, he pays attention, he listens, he pays for things, he asks questions and tells me things that matter to him. he wants to know what's on my mind, too. he doesn't quite get sarcasm and he's not a good planner, but hey, nobody's perfect, right?
anyhoo, yesterday, he even did something extra cute. if you didn't know, I LOVE puns. and some kind of popsicle has little punny jokes on the sticks. I know about 'em 'cause my family saved some for me and gave them to me as a birthday present at Christmas. well, yesterday his soccer team had popsicles after the game, and he saved some for me and cleaned 'em off. they say things like "what kind of instrument do whales play? the eel-ectric guitar." g.r.o.a.n.
so, yeah, it is abundantly clear.
and yet, and yet...
I am the tiniest smidge of insecure. just a little hint. a bit. a tinge. a skosh. I'm not even certain about what exactly. All I know is that this state we're in doesn't seem to be cuttin' the mustard for good ol' foxy.
I'm not (necessarily) looking to be his girlfriend (yet). Well, okay, maybe I am a little. But I'd settle for something a little less title-ee. Like, y'know, him saying he's not dating anyone else (I've a sneaking suspicion he's not.), or how he thinks I'm so wonderful or whatever.
He's not exactly a man of few words, but he's also not an over-complimenter. And I don't know where we "are" so I don't know what to say to him. And it's started to make me a little wacky.
except, where's the fire?
where'd little miss cautious go, and why did she stop talking? and for that matter, when? I've tried to pretend to be cautious--y'know, like how if you pretend smile it turns into a real smile--and it doesn't work a lick.
le sigh. ooh, and idea? hows abouts I go stand near the imaginary fire from which I'm apparently running towards a relationship, and I pour a bucket of ice cold water on me. and it. put out the fire, take a cold shower. two birds, one stone. sounds like I'll be good to go.
um, or it's completely okay to feel like this, and I should just run with it. (ha!) one or the other.
also? eek.
wow, he must have dated some real lightbulbs before...
so, I've been dating this guy for, what, seven weeks now? (yes, I just counted) things have been going well. we've had a few awkward moments, but none of the level that would cause problems. and I'm having a lot of fun. :)
last night we went to meet my friends out for pizza and beer, and on our way we stopped at a gas station. it was called "huffs," and had a wolf by the word on its sign. I can't find a graphic, but I'll be near it this weekend so I might have to take a picture for y'all.
anyhoo, I remark, "huffs, what a weird name for a gas station. and with a wolf as the logo. hmm."
he replies, "well, I think it miiiight have something to do with a fairy tale."
me: "a fairy tale name for a GAS station? what?!? that's random."
and he says, "well, you do know which one, right?"
"no," I reply. no, let me rephrase that. "no," I reply sarcastically.
dude honestly believes that I don't know about the three little pigs. did I mention I grew up in a great plains state, in a lower-to-lower-middle-class family, that I attended public education and I speak english as my first language? oh, and that judging by my likes/dislikes, particularly in the movie arena, it wouldn't be a stretch to think I knew about fairy tales?
he gets out to pump his gas, I'm fumbling around in my purse looking for my burt's bees lip stuff. he pops his head back in the car and just stares at me with an expectant/curious expression. HE STILL THINKS I DON'T KNOW. I get out of the car. I stand with him as the gas is pumping. And I explain to him that yes, of course I know. I was being sarcastic.
now, let me take a moment to tell you two things.
1. he, too, is a smart cookie.
2. he has a smile that makes me ever-so-slightly weak in the knees.
and oh, one more thing.
this is NOT, I repeat, NOT the first time I've had to tell him that I'm sarcastic. I am sarcastic all the damn time. Like, practically in a constant state of sarcasm (which, by the way, could be a great band name). and I do know know how to
that I am a sarcastic girl. who knew this part would be so complicated, mmmm?
suggestions? rebuttals? jokes?
I'll take 'em all.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Raise your glass to the smart and singles!!!
I recently got a myspace message from a former best friend.
Background briefly.... This girl lived across the street from me prettttttttttty much my WHOLE childhood/teenage years. She was always "the pretty one" and the one that all the boys liked.. Buuuuut, her mommy also home-schooled her so she could do pageants full time. Back then, I didn't see that her mom was not only NEVER actually teaching her, but was instilling some HORRIBLE values in her. I mean...she pulled her out of school at 5th grade thus disabling her from ever being competitive in anything scholastic. I mean.. she tried to come to high school, but could never keep up.I heard she got married to someone named TBone or something after she got pregnant. Anyway.. we didnt stay in touch.I went off to college, my mom moved from the neighborhood, and well..that was that.
She found me on myspace last week.. and I was so sad (but not shocked) to see that her life is seemingly not in a good place. She walked in on TBone (whatever) cheating. I wouldnt wish that on anyone, even though I wasnt surprised at this character's acts. She told me shes's finishing the divorce and her life is pretty much crap right now. Her page is dark and depressing...and the first time I read it, I seriously wondered about her well being. After talking via myspace a little, I have really realized that, just as I remember, she only knows how to value herself through the eyes of men.
I cant help but both pity this..but also get INFURIATED at her parents..especially her mother. Her mother pushed her to do pageants instead of scho0ling...and that appearace is the only thing that matters in life. Her mother always wanted her to have boyfriends and was kinda twisted about it. Back then, it was just annoying. Today, it's sickening to see what it's done to her. She has total dependent happiness...dependent on a man's affection. She has a beautiful daughter..but only writes about how every man she dates disappoints her.
I'm ranting..but I guess it boils down to... in this smart, single, and successful blog, I am thankful to be a writer instead of my former friend on myspace. She will truly never understand being smart, single...and being happy in those things... I've tried to motivate her and help her see what I see..but she wont. She just asked if I knew anyone (a guy) that's single.. esp since I'm a professional. So... a bit reflective and so thankful for where I am...
Cheers to the smart and single ladies out there...not b/c we're better, stronger, or happier....but b/c we're us and we dont depend on anyone to create OUR happiness. We might have our down and out moments...or get our hearts hurt...but all in all, we're in a pretty damn good place. :)
Monday, April 30, 2007
But I gotta, kn-kn-kn-know what-what's your fan-ta-ta-sy??!!! ;)
Got me thinkin'.
I'm not the materialistic I'm WAY more into sentiment...I think it totally depends on the person.. and what you KNOW is important to them.. aka.. how they express they care. If that's over playing sports, riding go-karts, taking a long walk on a beach, romantic dinner, volunteering together...whatever... I mean...there are MANY "perfect" dates. I guess what I'm saying is I think having an ideal anything sometimes baffles me b/c the truly "ideal" changes with people...and with time...and with circumstance... It's like the girls that try to pick out their "perfect" engagement ring before they even MEET the "perfect" guy. If any of you do that, I'm sorry to insult... But, to me.. I just can't wrap my mind around it. Whatever.
That said....
The dates on The Bachelor are typically over-the-top. Soooooo....If you could choose any over-the-top date, what would it be?? Mine?? Well, since you asked.. or are at least still reading...
I'm SUCH a planner and a slight control freak..okay, okay.. so a TOTAL control freak...So, I'd love it if someone somehow got me off on a tangent controlling something else..or planning something to where I didn't pick up any sign of the date-ness b/c I'd be too busy..haha... I'm a sleuth...and relentless...and frankly quite annoying. So, the whole surprise thing is an element in this.
Here's the deal.. I think it would be AWESOME if someone totally planned EVERY.THING. from the start.. to the finish.. I mean.. I could have choices in between.. but from a list that he pre-determined. Okay.. sooooo... when I say plan everything.. I mean.. EVERYTHING.. from me showing up in sweats or whatever on a Saturday afternoon only to have him surprise me with something fabulous to wear (which would mean he'd have to get the size right...and my taste.. hello major points awarded...), flowers, whatever.. with really anything amazing planned... I mean.. my mind went everywhere from dinner to overnight trip to carriage ride (I think I lived in the Old South in a former life. Strange obsession with carriages. Dont ask) to well.. doing something totally spontaneously awesome like slow dancing on a yacht... I guess thing about my fabulous date would be letting me totally rely on HIS plans with a hint of fun, romance.. and something that kept me guessing.
Moral: Yeah, the dates on The Bachelor are nice.. but I don't really need a yacht, a rented out gourmet restaurant, or even a horse drawn carriage, but hey...a little spoiling and romance from a Prince Charming never hurt any girl's fantasy date, right? ;) So much more goes into it, but there's no point in boring ya. Just wanted to get ya thinkin...
Friday, April 27, 2007
sappity sap sap
boys: a tip to the hip--when in another state, call your ladylove*, she will like it.
girl: answer the damn phone. and keep him talking. even if it's about the james brown memorial.
so, a confession. I'm kinda sorta maybe a little in a something. the kind of something that might eventually end up in some sort of a something with actual titles that have three or four letters in front of the word "friend." and I'm kind of digging it. technically single (and really, I think I'm allowed to contribute to this blog until I have to check "married" on my tax forms) and enjoying the hell out of it. but still.
I'm feeling all sappity sap sappy. I want to gush. I'm resisting the urge, 'cause, y'know, I might regret said gushing in the morning...but all in all? yeah, liking the sap. of, um the trees. that's the ticket...riiiiiiiight.
now? it's time to go cuddle up with my kitty cats in my kinda-worn-out-but-sooooooo-comfy pjs. see, I told you I was technically single. :)
*like this, not meaning like this.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
I'm not modest. I'm not shy. Plus, I'm really into keeping my body healthy for many reasons.. but one of which is b/c I do plan on being a mommy/parental unit/card carrying SUV car seat driver someday. That said, I'm on my third Gyno. The first one.. well.. he had large hands.. and I was 17.. and that whole thing made me uncomfy. Enough said. The second one was a lesbian with a back problem. The lesbian thing didn't really bother me.. I mean.. whatever, right.. But, the back problem thing eventually put her out of business. So, here I am.. on pelvic examiner number 3. Great.
So, why oh why do people need to bring in "learners" to these exams? My favorite is a situation like today where my doc came in and said (with intern in tow) "Would you mind if a student watches today?" I really dont care.. but I thought "Um.. REALLY?" Damn. Okay.. So, I said yes. It really doesnt bother me that much.. at least more than the whole experience already does. Then, a PA was also being trained and wanted to be a voyeur in my day of fun in the table stirrups while someone fondles my breasts and talks to me about stupid subjects to try to distract me.
Okay, fine.. so.. we now have THREE people.. Add a nurse.. and it makes FOUR people looking at my hoo-ha.. all the while uttering things like "so, how many years is law school? (since I'm a lawyer)" and other random conversation pieces. Then, the advertisement came for that HPV vaccine. I'm thinking "did something down there trigger your thought processes about HPV or are you just being thorough?" Whatever the case, it's just a weird experience. My personal favorite was the comment about how prominent my rib cage is while she examined my breasts then commenting that I have a cute figure or something along those lines.. but not in a weird way.. It was flattering.. in an attempt to buck the ribs comment, I think. I'm not wafer-thin or anything by any means, but thanks for making me feel like a starving ethiopian with boobs, weirdo doc! Maybe all women are just on edge sitting there in a robe and there really isnt anything to ease that.. but still.. *sigh* :)
Nontheless, it's over for another year. I'd really like to just have my Rx for my birth control and leave, but I guess that damn cold speculum is part of the whole process. Arg. *sigh* Welp, at least now I'm sure that I'm STD free, fertile, and apparently entertaining for four people to watch while naked in stirrups. Eh, there could be worse. ;)
I'm back. I'm blogging. I missed you.
~BrainyBlonde :)
Monday, April 23, 2007
so, I'd like you to...
2. come hang out with my friends.
3. and pay for everything.
That's what I feel like I'm saying. Maybe I shouldn't feel like this, but I do. Is that weird? Do other people think like this? I mean, it's not what I intend to be saying, but at the end of the night, it's what I feel like I've said. okay, ending the girl-speak. let's try to explain...
I've been seeing this guy for, oh, a month and a half-ish. We're having a lot of fun--a little drama, too, but a lot of fun. And I wanted him to meet my friends, right? Especially my bestest friend down here, who he hadn't yet met. "Wanna come to dinner with us?" I asked. Of course he came. He knows she's important to me.
and at the end of the night, when the bill came, he insisted on paying even though I offered, and even though I invited him.
Maybe it's an appearance thing? I mean, I've paid for our drinks at a bar when it was just the two of us, and I bought our takeout the other night. And I offered to pay for our dinner. It wasn't expensive or anything. But he insisted. It's just that I'm not a "buy me this" kind of girl. Plus, as much as I know I shouldn't worry about this, I've gotta say that I'm an engineer and he's a school teacher. There's a disparity of income there, folks. And while I'm all about the guy doing the paying 'cause that's how it should be, and while I know that he's not spending mulah he doesn't have, I also know that, well, it makes me wonder.
I'm a libra. We're all about fairness. And not like EVERY time I invite him to do something I should shell out, but really? If I do the inviting then I feel like it should maybe kinda be my treat...
then again, if this is one of the bigger things on my mind? doing pret-ty well, methinks.
just another manic monday. and one that smells like rice, oddly enough. what DO people eat in their cubes, huh?
Friday, April 20, 2007
speechless and selfish...
there are moments when people leave you speechless. and sometimes they're good. sometimes it's a warm and fuzzy and deep and intense moment--a kiss, a compliment, an award, a surprise. and sometimes they're terrible. a betrayal, a disappointment, a tragic event.
and twice in the past twenty four hours I have been left speechless.
I wish I could tell you it was for a good reason. I can't deny there's been some nice kissing, and I did get a pretty swell office earlier this week.
but twice now, people have been really selfish. and it made me, as they'd say in mary poppins, be a codfish.
now, don't get me wrong, this isn't the pot calling the kettle black. it is okay to be selfish. there are times and ways to make it okay. right now i'm being selfish in my person life, quite honestly. but there are also wrong ways.
the most recent offense, I'm not really gonna mention. but sometimes people should be less caught up in themselves. besides, this one wasn't really that big of a deal.
the one I found out about yesterday--hold the phone. a friend of mine has a new friend, a couple. she knows them pretty well and they spend a lot of time together. and yesterday the man in the couple, who is married, his on her. like hard core thought they were gonna fool around. sent her an email about submarines that she didn't get at the time, but fully understands now...and when she was like, uh, what?!? he was all "yeah, you knew what I wanted, don't play dumb," and stuff like that. what about his wife? how disrespectful of both of them! and how selfish of him. shame on him! for shame!!! she thought of this guy almost like a father. and he thought it was okay to behave like that. and then he had the nerve to accuse her of leading him on. what the hell?!?
so, yeah, codfish. seriously. maybe he'll get a bad haircut...if he has any left, the asshole. and also, ew.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
i find boys immensely confusing.
that is all.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
modifiers, adjectives and descriptions, oh my!
and I had it again yesterday.
(admittedly, once in my head and then once on the phone with my friend susan, but whatev.)
so, guys give girls compliments, right? (and hopefully the other way around, but that's not the point of this blog today) anyho, those compliments? we eat 'em up. as a friend of mine would say, "flattery will get you everywhere." and he's right.
so, the easiest compliment to give is one about our appearance. y'know, the you-look-nice-s, the you-have-pretty-eyes, the that-dress-is-sexy-s, the you-have-a-great-laughs, the your-ass-looks-great-in-those
what is not, though, is the very simple ones. the simple sentences.
you are pretty.
you are cute.
you are beautiful.
I tried to put them in the order of preference to girls. Or, rather, to this girl. And yes, I really would rather be cute than pretty.. and I left out "you are hot" because I think that's in a completely different vein. There are many other good words to use, too--lovely, sexy, gorgeous, stunning, etc., but for the point of a discussion I once had, I'm excluding them too.
once, a guy explained to me that girls who are "cute" are very girl-next-door-y, that they're the type of girl you'd want to see in jeans and a ponytail, but that they usually don't pull off getting all gussied up very well, or at least not spectacularly.
and then he said there were the pretty girls. they look GREAT when they're all done up and put together, but only so-so when they're not bedecked in makeup and hairspray and matching duds. you might hit on 'em at a wedding, but on a "casual" day they're no so breathtaking after all.
next he clarified that the best girls of all were the ones who are beautiful. because the beautiful ones are the ones who look good in sweatshirts and headbands, in jeans and flip flops AND in cocktail dresses with heels. and most importantly, the kind of girl who you call beautiful isn't just called this because of her appearance--because so much of what makes her beautiful is what's inside.
and this guy, he told me I was beautiful. which of course, totally made my week. :)
I'm not seeing him anymore, 'cause he turned out to be a bit of a tool, but as I go on about my business I keep wondering if guys in general have a hierarchy of compliments. Oh, I know it's not some written standard, but is
attractive<cute <pretty < fetching <lovely < sexy <gorgeous <beautiful <foxy? :)
so cats and kittens, guys and dolls what one is the best and what word would you most prefer to be called?
in springtime, the only pretty ring time,
when birds do sing, hey ding a ding, ding.
sweet lovers love the spring.
oh, the movies do it, the animals do it, even willy wonka knew about it, and quite frankly, they've got a point. springtime brings out the pairs, the couples, the duos (the pair of lonely ones that were meant to be a two! name that song?). or at least that's how it appears. because oddly enough, some cosmic force seems to have lined up recently, at least as far as my immediate friends are concerned. it seems like pretty much every single one (pun intended) of my friends is in a relationship of some type that is, for the time being, going swimmingly.
my terminally single friends, my married friends, my engaged friends, my internet friends, my "just dating" friends, even me. I'm certainly not "in a relationship," as defined by myspace/facebook, but I'm definitely dating someone and it's going quite well for now. But I kind of find it uncanny.
Friday, April 13, 2007
fresh linens.
but now I'm wondering if this is kind of like those stories about waiting for a special occasion to use your good china and then ending up never using it. like me and my never-used but prettily-on-display wedding china.
the two things are different--one place setting probably cost as much as my 100% cotton sateen sheet sets--but symbolically they're kind of the same. Of course sometimes you use the fancy wine glasses, and I sure as heck hope you change your sheets sometimes when you don't have a date that night, catch my drift.
so anyway, I think from now on my sheet-changing routine might have to be a tad different. maybe I should change them every time I think I'm going to have fun. or before every weekend. or something. and maybe you should, too.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
apparently I possess a fear-inspiring force
or maybe it's just that I make guys nervous. that's possible too, I guess. I mean, quite honestly sometimes guys make me nervous--and I'm not a gal who gets nervous easily.
but it's quite alarming to me that just by being who I am I seem to make people a little solicitous, a little skittish or just a tad twitchy.
and the most frustrating part is I don't even know what I'm doing to cause it--it just happens.
there are a lot of "maybe I'm too _______"s I could list. Quite honestly I know quite a few men who have been off-put by my intellect--'course I let them go on the merry way as soon as I realized it--but really? though I can think of many adjectives that usual describe me, like "shiny," "happy," "punny," "obstinate," "clever," "silly" or "feisty,"I never thought "intimidating" would join that little list.
now how to unintimidate, eh?
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
this is swell.
This means, as a mental image, I will permanently be engrained in his mind as sweaty/dirty/greasy. just swell, I tell you. swell.
I mean, there are some contexts where it's perfectly okay for a guy to think of me as sweaty and dirty, especially if we worked up that sweat together, but really? Playing softball isn't exactly the kind of situation I'm envisioning here.
There are LOADS of cute guys on my softball team though. Maybe I'm going to have to figure out a cute-yet-functional way to wear my hair while I'm playing, and perhaps those baseball players are going to have to move up a notch!
the fact of the matter is…
But I have to admit, it’s getting a leeettle complicated.
My friends have come up with multiple nicknames for them. And if I forget the adjective o’ the day, I must explain who I’m talking about. Honestly? It’s pretty damn amusing. My friend “Jiggles” was like, "Foxy, this kind of thing would only happen to you." 'Cause me? I get weird illnesses and weird dating sitches. Maybe it's not that weird--Matt is a common name--but two? At the same time? After my string of K names? Kinda odd, methinks.
and hilarious comments about having “so many matts to walk on” and how it’s a “matt attack”
but my personal favorite is the time I kinda kissed both of them in the same day. which is soooo not like me. it wasn't on purpose (one of them surprised me at my house, and it was actually our first kiss and could have been so much more romantic if I hadn't been horribly startled and sorta kinda yelped in fear when I opened my door to find him there!), I promise. but let me tell you what, that’s a great never have I ever.
but the fact of the matter? this is fun and exhausting at the same time. oh, woe is me, poor single girl, right? ha!
Friday, April 6, 2007
these made me giggle.
from the male side:
These are our rules!
Please note.. these are all numbered "1" ON PURPOSE!
1. Men ARE not mind readers.
1. Learn to work the toilet seat. You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down. We need it up, you need it down. You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down, do you??
1. Sunday sports. It's like the full moon or the changing of the tides. Let it be.
1. Shopping is NOT a sport. And no, we are never going to think of it that way.
1. Crying is blackmail.
1. Ask for what you want. Let us be clear on this one: Subtle hints do not work! Strong hints do not work! Obvious hints do not work! Just say it!
1. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.
1. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That's what we do. Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.
1. A headache that lasts for 17 months is a problem. See a doctor.
1. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument. In fact, all comments become null and void after 7 days.
1. If you won't dress like the Victoria's Secret girls, don't expect us to act like soap opera guys.
1. If you think you're fat, you probably are. Don't ask us.
1. If something we said can be interpreted two ways and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one.
1. You can either ask us to do something OR tell us how you want it done. Not both. If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself.
1. Whenever possible, please say whatever you have to say during commercials.
1. Christopher Columbus did NOT need directions and neither do we.
1. ALL men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings. Peach, for example, is a fruit, not a color! Pumpkin is also a fruit or something. We have no idea what mauve is.
1. If it itches, it will be scratched. We do that.
1. If we ask what is wrong and you say "nothing," We will act like nothing's wrong. We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle.
1. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, expect an answer you don't want to hear.
1. When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine. Really.
1. Don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as baseball, the shotgun formation, or golf.
1 You have enough clothes.
1. You have too many shoes.
1. I am in shape. Round IS a shape!
1. Thank you for reading this. (Yes, I know, I have to sleep on the couch tonight; But did you know men really don't mind that? It's like camping.)
all true? not really (I hope!)...but still amusing.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
percussion, strings, winds, words...

he sang a song that's been running in my head since yesterday, 'cause of just one line. "you've gotta kiss the girl."
one of my guy friends emailed me yesterday. he's about to go on date numero quatro with this chick-a-dee he's been lusting after dating. they met online, and from what I can tell, they're both a bit overly-insecure, but things are going pretty well.
and he emailed me this "someone mentioned to me today that if a guy takes too long to make a move (first kiss, etc.), then it sends a signal to the girl that he's not interested and, in turn, she loses interest. Is there any truth to that? Also, could not making a move show a sign of a lack of confidence, thus being a negative thing?"
I think it's certainly true, and certainly a negative thing, 'cause if you're on your third date and you haven't kissed her yet, and you're an adult, then there's kind of a good chance she's:
1. wondering what's wrong with her that you haven't kissed her yet.
2. wondering what's wrong with you that you haven't kissed her yet.
3. wondering where she's going to find a guy who WILL kiss her.
4. making a grocery list in her head while on your date.
plus, nervousness begets nervousness, so you're about to get stuck in an ugly vicious cycle, methinks.Now, when I was fifteen, kissing was a big deal. A huge thing. But now that I'm in my mid-twenties I've gotta say--kissing? not such a big thing anymore. At least, not in the holy-crap-I-can't-believe-we-kissed kind of way. I'm all about the toe-curling, the moaning/sighing, the getting to know how the other person kisses part of all this. And people who kiss poorly either need to hit the lessons or hit the road. But really? Not a gigantic step. A very normal step. A very normal step that it's kind of weird to wait until your fourth date to make, dontcha think?
now, maybe it isn't the guy's fault. maybe the girl hasn't sent signals. maybe she's just in it for the free dinners. or maybe she's just afraid he won't like how she kisses. or maybe they should both just pony up and pucker up. you take risks in life and love people, that's how it works. weight 'em, measure 'em, debate 'em, decide for/against 'em, sure. but know that at some point? going to have to put yourself out there. and kissing is totally one of those times.
lesson to be learned:
gals: do your part and make it clear that you would gladly accept a kiss from him. we know how to do this, it's not hard at all.
and guys: grow a pair and go for it. betcha a buck if you've played your cards right she's gonna be kissing you back.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
semper ubi sub ubi.

since when did it become cute to wear undergarmets that look like they belong on little boys? and why do I get the idea that if someone were to, say, see me in those and a tanktop I might not be wearing either piece of clothing for very long, mmm?
happy hump day, folks. :)
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
ridiculous. inconvenient. consuming...and me.
Carrie: I'm looking for love. Real love. Ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, can't-live-without-each-other love. And I don't think that love is here in this expensive suite in this lovely hotel in Paris.
(PS.. best scene EVER...last episode..last season)
When she said that, I totally agreed:
"YES! RIDICULOUS!!! ~*cheer*
INCONVENIENT!!! ~*cheer*
CONSUMING!!!~*cheer cheer* "
But, then.. if that's what we want to hear.. as hopeless romantic Carrie Bradshaw's of the world, then why oh why are we so quick to take those adjectives and twist them into NEGATIVES in the REAL world.... please insert frowny/complainy face saying "ridiculous." "inconvenient." "consuming." while your girlfriends all nod in support like "yeah, that is SO the last thing you need right now..."
My aunt once told me to marry someone who loves you more than you love them and I thought I would come unglued.. WHY would someone do that???!! (I seriously could never) (then again, she also told me to sleep with at least three men in my life.. fair But... I think that's just it...we're looking for the:
ridiculous. inconvenient. consuming.
...but too often go for the safer, convenient, less than consuming.. Why?
Maybe I'm reflecting on some of the couples I know in my life... or maybe I'm analyzing some of my own behavior.. I really think this was provoked by the former, but I cant help admit the latter in some of my past....
I wouldn't say I'm LOOKING for love.. but I wouldn't say I'm not looking either.. and I am definitely saying I think I'm opening myself a little more to the ridiculous, consuming, totally inconvenientness of it all.... If only I was in an expensive hotel in Paris, right?? Damn you, Carrie Bradshaw!
Oh...and while we're on the subject of Sex and the City.. which I RARELY reference.. I must take this opportunity to ask.. have you ever counted the number of people they've slept with from season 1 to season 7?? I dont think we should.. It might discredit the quote I like so much. lol! :)
~ BB
mae west? she said an awful lot of really good one-liners.
"His mother should have thrown him away and kept the stork."
"He who hesitates is a damned fool."
"Loves conquers all things except poverty and toothache."
"It is better to be looked over than overlooked."
"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough."
But this one came to mind recently: Few men know how to kiss well; fortunately, I've always had time to teach them.
And the kind of not-kissing-well I'm talking about here isn't the kind that was discussed here. Not the kind lacking fundamentals. No, no. It's the kind there's something just a little off--like there's sparks but not SPARKS. I have had the privilege of kissing some really really great kissers during my kissing spree the last few months (and goodness me some terrible ones too). But one in particular left me feeling very Carrie-and-Berger in Sex in the City. Incredible at everything else--except for that one thing--in this case, kissing.
Now, I'm in my mid-twenties, here. And dating people in their twenties (okay well that was that one thirty-five year old, but moving on...)... And what I do not understand is how one could go throught life being smart, funny and good-looking and have not yet been taught how to kiss. Oh, yes, I understand there are different styles/preferences/methods/what have you. I know, I know. But still.
I mean, when you were fifteen or nineteen or whatever and making out, if you weren't digging the kisses you could say,"ooh, let's try this!" and no one's feelings would get hurt, no pride injured. but now? damn, he's been kissing that way for an awful long time.
I'm quite certain I'm not the first or last girl to encounter this kind of a problem.
so, what's a girl to do? ignore it? hope it goes away? is this a plague on the people? or ooh, maybe it's some weird kind of population control--all the not-good-kissers out there won't get the ladies, won't have babies...yeah, that's the ticket. scarier still? the possibility that someone else actually really really liked this style of kissing.
maybe I should start teaching kissing lessons? any takers? ha!
Friday, March 30, 2007
whoever said girls don't like watching sports was wrong.
generally without a shirt, wet and tanned from all that time in the sun, these guys tend to be on the healthy, earth-friendly side of life--not to mention are almost always happy. Because who wouldn't be happy after catching an awesome wave? Added bonus: they are more than
willing to teach you to surf, allowing alone beach time, sun screen rubbing (aloe rubbing for post burn) and flirtatious spashing. lucky sexy--she lives near those west coast surfer boys.
the rugged rugby player
big. brawny. fearless. And pretty much the life of any party. In fact, most college rugby club teams throw the best parties on campus. Plus any Florence Nightengail ladies get plenty of opportunities to take care of the rough and tumble guys post game. Be careful though ladies, these guys have a rough side--but sometimes that's what makes 'em so sexy.
the hot-n-heavy hockey player
whether on or off the ice, these guys are usually a good time. They're fun to watch because they definitely fulfuill the whole "bad boy" thing...usually the last to be pushed around in their sport, they slam into the plexiglass with a "yeeeowch" from onlookers.. and a somewhat attractive sense of "toughness." These guys might not be the preppiest, the most ripped, or the most well-mannered (at least on the ice) but they can definitely score with their rugged competitive edge..
the slick, slippery swimmer
not the most televised of athletes, these guys don't get the attention they deserve. But, man, gotta tell ya.. when the Olympics are on, Brainy's (and Sexy's and Foxy's, too) mouth waters for those hunks in speedos. Maybe it's the lean nature of the body along with typically handsome looks. Maybe it's b/c they're fast. Maybe it's the way they throw their (well-sculpted) arm into the air when victory takes place...Whatever it is, we like it..and that takes A LOT to say when admiring a guy in things that look like panties and a swim cap.
the tantalizing tennis player
the soccer stud